Monday, December 9, 2013

Week 15

            I think that the low number of whitetail deer in Pennsylvania is astonishing. As I’ve grown older it has become apparent that the deer population was slowly falling and didn’t look as if it was going to stop. I think that a 1 year break from all deer hunting should be implemented. Many hunters may disagree with this statement, but it’s in the best interest that this be done for not only present, but future hunters as well. 

Week 14

            What is happening to today’s youth? It so unreal hearing about kids that are in 7th grade already being addicted to hard drugs. Although “hard drugs” aren’t a huge problem in my community marijuana is. It is to my knowledge that kids in Johnsonburg are being exposed to marijuana at a surprisingly young age. Most of the kids my sister tells me about have already switched to cyber school (the next step to dropping out) after being introduced to marijuana and the daily basis at which it was being consumed. 

Week 13

This is my view on the way the Johnsonburg borough should take on a trouble they are enduring. Because of the not new, but uprising and serious problem of residents not taking care of their properties I think something needs to be done. A city ordinance is necessary and should be implemented by the borough. With an ordinance set in place, it would allow the borough to fine people that don’t follow certain codes and regulations that are required. For example, if people decide to let their grass grow over the allowed length and ignore the ordinance, they could be facing possible ramifications for failing to abide by the rules. That being said, Johnsonburg citizens are faced with an extremely high unemployment rate and an abnormally low average income rate. Any intelligent person would elect to follow the rules to avoid fines as people can’t afford to spend their hard earned money on an easily avoidable expense. With all that in place, I think that slowly but surely things will start to shape up within the community. 

Week 12

Every town should have some sort of gun bash every year. I’m not sure how many towns in the state have gun bashes, but I’m glad Johnsonburg is one of them. A gun bash, ours in particular, is in the huge fire hall where hundreds of people gather to put in their chances of winning a gun. In addition to the auctioning there is also food, all you can drink everything, and free comedy from all the drunk people there. 

Week 11

I’ve decided to talk about government, particularly that of the law enforcement branch. I believe that law enforcement within a town or city is crucial in running a successful community. Comparing our cops at home to the Clarion cops I’ve noticed a significant difference. Clarion cops are strict, anal, and nosey while Johnsonburg cops are laid back, lenient, down to earth guys. I’m proud to say that I know each cop on a personal level and often get away with some minor things. Thank you Johnsonburg cops for being so kind to me all my years in Johnsonburg. 

Sunday, December 8, 2013

Week 10

            There should be a rule in all schools that states “every child is required to join at least one extracurricular activity or sport. I believe if this is required more students isn’t usually “involved” would then be playing sports. This would solve many of the problems Johnsonburg High School is having. This rule isn’t in place resulting in the suffrage of all sports programs. In our case the low numbers actually lead to a co-op with Ridgway (a town over from Johnsonburg). 

Week 9

            Although I do speak highly on behalf of the Johnsonburg Paper mill I do have some issues concerning businesses within the town. Any community should have numerous Ma and Pa shops throughout the town, this is where Johnsonburg is hurting. Due to the massive size of the paper mill it takes up a large amount of space in a not so large town. You can probably imagine why it’s difficult to open businesses without any land to build on. I truly believe that Johnsonburg is a dying town and things should be implemented to improve our once beautiful town.

Week 8

My hometown is infamous for its terrible smell. We have a large Paper Mill called Domtar (one of the largest in the world to be exact) and its factories are spread all throughout the town. Somewhere within the paper making process a foul odor is released. You might think “How bad could it be?”, I actually can’t tell you how bad it is most days, because of the many years in Johnsonburg, I’ve become accustomed to it and don’t even smell it. The smell is comparable to a fart, that’s the closest comparison I can come up with. Sometimes I wonder, when people are coming through Johnsonburg for the first time, is the first words out of their mouth “Who farted, that stinks!” 

Week 7

                This week I decided to talk about the Paper mill that is located in the center of Johnsonburg and takes up most of the space. Many people look at Domtar as a disgrace to the town, but they aren't residents of the factory driven town. Domtar employs over 300 people, most of which reside in Johnsonburg. Without the presence of this mill many people would be jobless and then be forced to move in search of a job. This doesn't seem like a problem, but this would take the already low population to the ground and possibly make Johnsonburg a ghost town.
The mafia happens to be a big part in American history and surprisingly Johnsonburg's history as well. We have a hotel down town called "The Johnsonburg Hotel" that is unfortunately no longer running and hasn't been running for a couple decades. This hotel happened to serve as a mafia safe haven for those who were looking to go off the radar for a while. The common theme of mafia members and leaders coming here left Johnsonburg with an interesting nickname, "Little Chicago".  Rumor has it that Al Capone stayed here, actually the sign in books prove that he did indeed stay there a hand full of times.
                Growing up I've heard numerous stories, whether most of them are true I'm not sure. Like the guy that was cut up in a barrel and sent down the clarion river. Regardless of the actual truth of these stories, it's neat living in a small town with a big history.


Week 6

This week I've decided to write about my football team. Due to the dying population in my town and the diminishing numbers in our school the athletic programs have been hurting. The past couple years the football team especially has taken the biggest hit from the low numbers.

                Johnsonburg is rich in sports history, football being the most favorite among the town folks. I am among a big group of people that are proud to say they were a Johnsonburg Ram Football Player. Because of the low numbers talk about a possibly merging with one of the surrounding towns, Ridgway. If you aren't aware, Johnsonburg and Ridgway have one of the best and longest running sports rivalries in Pennsylvania. You can see why this might raise some questions and concerns. Despite all that, the school boards came to a decision and proceeded to sign the papers to combine each side’s football teams. It's weird looking back at the history of football in Johnsonburg. We had a Semi pro team called the Shamrocks, Jimmy Graham practiced on our field, and now our football team is a just a memory, no longer in existence.

Week 5

I’m not sure who or what people think of when they hear the word “Veteran”, but for me I know exactly what I think of. I think of my family’s rich military background and fellow neighbors. Everywhere I walk I have the pleasure of sharing my presence with a veteran. Whether I go to work, school, or home I’m constantly surrounded. I’m proud to say that my town is famous when it comes to the military. During World War II, the borough had, per capita, the highest number of soldiers entering into military service.

Week 4

In this post, I would like to address the hospitality that goes on within my town. Growing up, whenever you needed help you could be sure that 3 people are waiting to give you a hand. With a close knit community everyone has each other’s backs. For example, if you got stuck while out mudding on a Tuesday night a quick call to a buddy with a truck is made and before you know it you’re unstuck and on your way home. 

Week 3

It’s easy to point out all the negatives about your town when you go to college. Often times, people are so busy thinking about the bad that they neglect to speak of the good on behalf of their town. For my hometown, not a lot goes on, but I love it and wouldn’t want to live anywhere else. If you were to spend a week in Johnsonburg, you would be quick to notice the hospitality displayed by everyone. Also, walking/riding around town it would soon be apparent that everyone knows and likes each other because of the constant hand waves going on.