This I Believe

This I Believe
            I believe in being an American. Being a law abiding citizen and having the freedom and rights to do what I want. I support the military/government and believe in the statement that the United States is “Home of the free, because of the brave”. 
            I Believe in Character. If you’re polite, respectful, and do good things I believe only good things will follow.
            I believe in Work. Waking up every day working for what you want and doing what you love. I believe work ethic and discipline makes a person. With those two things anything is possible.
            I believe in Sports. Being a part of a sport is way more than putting on a uniform and performing, it’s a life style. Sports are the underlying cause for countless successful people. It teaches you dedication and discipline, and shows you with hard work good things can happen.
            I believe in living in the Woods. It shows you the beauty in life and gives hope for humanity. I believe it helps sculpt a boy into a man, doing hard labor to uphold the household thus developing work ethic, discipline, character, and appreciation for what you have. Not one person can experience this type of appreciation until you are able to walk out your front door, look to your left, to your right, and see nothing but trees. There is no greater feeling in the world.
            Starting this paper off I had no particular direction in which I was going, only stating my beliefs. Reflecting back on my paper and reading what I’ve written, there is a common theme that ties all of my beliefs together; work ethic. In some way or another, each of my beliefs is a counterpart that has been a factor in building my work ethic.
            To be a “True American” under my standards you have to use your freedom to its maximum potential, wake up every day, and work for what you believe in.
            Character is defined as “the mental and moral qualities distinctive to an individual”. Any average person has character, but it’s the situations you’ve been dealt with and the hardships you’ve endured that help mold character into Character.
            To be involved in sports you need to be mentally tough and you need to have a unique attitude not common in the average person. This attitude is essential in being a successful athlete and person. The attitude of going into every practice with the mindset to get better. The only way to get better is through a can do way of thinking and hard work.
            To live where I do and go on everyday living the way my family does involves many things. If you want to be warm in the winter you must cut up firewood and bring it in the basement when the stack gets low. If you want your house to look nice you must take 5 hours out of your day to cut and trim all 2 acres of our yards around the house.

            To have character, being able to call yourself a “True American”, being an athlete, and living in the woods all require and build what one thing? Work ethic. 

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