
My pond is the place I go to fish and clear my head. To get back there you have to either drive a jeep, four wheeler, dirt bike, or even walk. You enter through our gate and it’s about a mile ride back to it.
            Once you’re back there it’s one of the most beautiful sights to the human eye (in my opinion). There’s nothing but open field surrounded by trees whether you look left, right, in front, or behind you.
            The water is infested with bass, sunfish, salamanders, bullfrogs, turtles, and an annoying beaver. When the sun is just right, you’re able to see a good deal into the water. That’s when I enjoy fishing the most. When you’re able to see that bass swallow your bait whole, a feeling is experienced that is so unique compared to any other I’ve experienced before.
On a normal day for me, I get out of work and immediately head back to the pond to enjoy the rest of my evening, interruption free, fishing. Often times I get so lost in thought I forget about my phone, thus leaving me cut off and completely oblivious to the outside world.
            I’ve found the best times to go back there is in the morning at sunlight or at night before sundown. In the morning, when the sun is coming up it casts a reflection on the pond that looks as though it’s not real and almost painted. With the combination of that sight and the smell of the morning water really gets you into a fishing state of mind. I have to say, if I were to choose when to be back there though, it would be at night. Mosquitos start to come out as it’s cooled down and they start to congregate on top of the water. Although mosquitos pose as a annoyance, biting you every chance they get, it results in a great opportunity. Fish start to jump like crazy, some completely jumping out of the water, smacking down on the water creating a sound. The sound is music to a fisherman’s ears because it reveals the location of the fish thus, hopefully, helping us bag more trophy bass.
All of that is great from a fisherman’s stand point, but I can promise you a few things from the average person’s eyes. They will be able to enjoy and observe the beautiful sight of the pond regardless of whether or not they’re out of their comfort zone being in the woods. Here, picture this, just as the sun disappears behind the horizon, the temperature slowly drops and heat begins to escape from the water. Due to the heat escaping the water, a fog is formed and starts to release and settle on top of the water. When all of this sets in place, the sun going down, the orange glow over the trees, and the fog hovering over the water, something is produced. An amazing secluded sight that gives you such a down to earth feeling that is unattainable through looking at any picture. I’m willing to bet any person (fisherman or not) can appreciate the beautiful outdoors as it’s a sight like no other, wouldnt you?

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